Hello! Welcome

As an aspiring artist and computer programmer, as well as a general hobbyist, you can expect to find all sorts of funky stuff here, like:

  • My art exploits, spanning from 2019 to the current day,
  • Some of my musical tastes through the CD's I have burned,
  • Most of my serious Geometry Dash levels I made from 2020 to now,
  • My WIP Bandcamp page, where I will upload the chiptune I create! I'm learning to use LSDJ so that will be updated whenever I post new content!
  • And much, much more!

Please, take a look around! I've spent countless hours coding my site and designing most-if-not-all of the buttons and art featured on here, so I'd really appreciate it! :D

Just a heads up to anyone browsing here while I'm still editing and finalizing a bunch of stuff on here: Some of the links on my site don't quite work yet! I'll get to them when I can.

To anyone who's stumbled across my site due to Wendigoon's video on the Hypnagogic Archive site and clicked next on the Yesterweb Webring link, Hello! I really appreciate you guys visiting my place and checking my stuff out and adding me on Discord to say hi. It's refreshing to see my site gaining traction again, even if it's because of something completely unrelated to what I do.

So what is my place? Well, for starters, this is a completely unique Neocities site, completely unrelated to the Hypnagogic Archive, also to note that I do not own the Hypnagogic Archive, so if you came here expecting ARG's and cryptographic texts and such, well, I'm sorry to disappoint. What you will find is a complete showcase of all the art that I've made over the past couple years as well as some stuff I've tried messing around with.

In the meantime, if you have any questions for me about my site, me, or just in general, please add me on Discord or email me (contacts below!) and I'll try to respond within 12 hours. Thank you netizens for visiting, and have a good day!

Also, I've had tons of people message me over Discord stopping by and saying hi, and I really appreciate you all! Thank you! People actually visiting my site and enjoying the things that I make gives me validation lol


Just in case you're using mobile and the header is unusable. There's also some other links for those interested.


If you want to reach out to me, you can find me here!

Discord: DShifter#8452


I only have two characters I really use, but I think it's important to make some pages to show them off anyway.

= Omega the Protogen =

= Nammur the Goat =

Webrings 'N' Stuff

Webrings I'm apart of and Site Badges I've been given by other sites.

I am apart of the Yesterweb Webring, a webring of cool and interesting Neocities and Miscellaneous sites dedicated to keeping the personalized web vibe alive!

Oh no! I've been Jaup'd! Thanks to ARandomSite for nominating me!